

2012年首次展示的具有经典车外观的生态型混合动力跑车样件试验导致齿轮箱箱体几何形状的修改。位于法国贝尔福的SICTA(铝合金原型铸件专家)已经为这一非常特别的轿车提供了第一个齿轮箱箱体(如图 ... 更多


Surya TOTO工程部最近遇到了挑战:他们要铸造一种以前从未生产过的产品。尽管目前Surya ... 更多

Insight is the Best Hindsight

Custom Castings has been using MAGMASOFT® for about one year to improve their casting quality ... 更多

Optimization of a Turbine Housing Component at the University of Padua

The project “Marboré”, which is being carried out by the Department of Mechanical Engineering ... 更多

Ship Propellers from Waren on Lake Müritz

The propeller is a most important “appendage” on a ship. ... 更多

Grainger & Worrall: Racing to Success

There are few more iconic images of modern engineering excellence than an F1 racing car. ... 更多

Simulation Project at the University

MAGMASOFT® in engineering education? Yes, of course! ... 更多